Medical literature is replete with numerous original articles and case reports on anaesthesia for awake craniotomy and thank god for that. It was invaluable for us to plan our anaesthetic. When you go through this knowledge bank on awake craniotomy, you will realise that there are mainly two techniques commonly used for anaesthetizing these patients – conscious sedation with scalp blockade and “asleep-awake-asleep” (general anaesthesia (LMA with or without IPPV) and scalp blockade-awakening- general anaesthesia (LMA with or without IPPV). The latter technique supposedly ensures better patient comfort and outcome. Craniotomy involves performing scalp blockade (multiple injections), stabilizing the patient’s head on sharp-pinned frames (Mayfield, Sugita’s etc), raising the scalp flap, drilling and removing a piece of skull bone and lying down in quite uncomfortable position for a long time. No wonder it can be quite a traumatic experience for an awake patient to go through all this for the entire duration of the surgery. So, ours was also a version of “asleep-awake-asleep” technique.
Our patient was a 35 year old male(weighing 61 Kgs) with a glioma over the right parietal sub cortical area measuring about 15 x 15 mm. He had presented with seizures and slurring of speech three months before the day of surgery. He did not have any focal neurological deficits and the speech had also normalized. He had developed allergic bronchial asthma two months before the date of operation, which was attributed to exposure to cold and dusty climate. He was being treated with bronchodilators and inhalational steroids for the same and had become asymptomatic at the time surgery. He was a very cooperative and highly motivated gentleman and had fully understood the need for the procedure and various steps involved. A thorough and patient explanation and showing a video of the procedure helped a great deal in preparing the patient for the procedure. During preanaesthetic examination his upper incisors were found to be significantly mobile and were extracted.
I will give our anaesthesia plan now. I hope it will be of use to somebody. I eagerly welcome all kinds of comments.
T. Clonidine 150 mcg, T. Diazepam 10 mg, T. Pantoprazole 40 mg, inj. Dexamethasone 8 mg, T. Ondansetron 4mg – one hour before the surgery
Salbutamol and Ipratropium bromide nebulisations just before shifting him to operation theatre
Pulse oximetry, ECG, Noninvasive Blood Pressure, ETCO2, Bispectral Index monitor, Invasive Blood Pressure and urine output ( both after induction).
Intravenous line (16 G) was secured in left hand dorsum under local anaesthesia. Preoxygenated with 100% oxygen and induced with inj. Fentanyl 100 mcg, inj. Propofol 100mg. Size 4 Intubating Laryngeal Mask Airway (ILMA) was inserted and patient was allowed to breathe spontaneously. Anaesthesia was maintained with propofol infusion (50 mcg/kg/min) and sevoflurane (End tidal concentration of 1-1.5%) to BIS of about 50.
Right radial artery was cannulated with 20 G catheter to monitor invasive blood pressure.
Scalp Blockade
Total amount of solution used – 80ml
0.5% Bupivacaine – 40ml
2% Lidocaine – 20ml
Adrenaline – 400 mcg(in 4ml saline)
Saline – 16ml
Nerves blocked – supraorbital, supratrochlear, zygomatico temporal, auricuculotemporal, posterior auricular, lesser occipital and greater occipital on both sides with 2-3ml of drug mixture for each nerve.
Draping for the procedure
Draping for this procedure was little different from that for usual craniotomies. A transparent screen separated head end and the operating site from the rest of the body so that we had unhindered access to the same.
Maintenance and awakening
Cortical mapping and tumor excision was done, to which patient cooperated fully. Excision was completed in about 45 minutes. Patient kept complaining about desire to pass urine, in spite of being told that his bladder had been catheterized. Probably, the patient would have been much more comfortable if only we could somehow abolish the sensation of catheter in the urethra.
He also had mild generalized head ache towards the end of excision, which he felt was quite tolerable. There were no complaints from the surgeon about bulging of the brain. Hemodynamics was maintained at patient’s normal levels through out the procedure and they remained stable through out.
P S :
This was our first experience with awake craniotomy. It was indeed a very interesting and learning experience. Please leave comments before you surf away from this page..
great, anil
article is fantastic.
congrats, please continue this.
we need every one to be part of the group.
That's really great!It was nice to see pictures of NH theatres again.You have broken NH tradition and documented every step of the procedure.Nice work.Congratulations!BTW did you give the scalp block? I would like to speak to you about this some time
Fantastic Anil. Very informative & visually appealing. Great job keep it up !!!!!!!
I got lot of learning from this article.
Utah Plastic Surgery Bountiful Ut
good job... very challenging quiz..send answers plz
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